Seven Oaks Dam - construction engineering and QC
Copperstone Mine - Geotechnical Investigations
"Deck" Cut and Cover Tunnel
Tailing Dam Slope Stability Analysis Mountain - Springs, Nevada
Tailing Dam Slope Stability Analysis - Graystone, Nevada
Seven Oaks Dam - construction engineering and QC
Seven Oaks Dam - construction engineering and QC

Army Corps of Engineers -Seven Oaks Dam.

 Project engineering and quality control management  for the construction of a large rock-fill dam. Included the elaboration of Total Quality Control program for the construction of the 5 million cubic yard main embankment.  Also prepared the Master Construction Schedule (Primavera). In charge of the review and approval of all initial construction submittals and participated on the design of haul roads, QC laboratory and cofferdams.


Copperstone Mine - Geotechnical Investigations
Copperstone Mine - Geotechnical Investigations

Copperstone Mine. Tailing dam design and construction. Project manager and engineer in charge. Design and construction of a 50 acre tailings dam including embankment slope stability analysis and geotechnical sampling and testing. The dam is a HDPE geo-membrane double lined tailings storage facility with a sub-drain pipe network and a leak detection system. The project included a lined water recirculation pond (1 acre), construction oversight and approval of construction materials and field geotechnical testing

"Deck" Cut and Cover Tunnel
"Deck" Cut and Cover Tunnel

Arizona Department of Transportation, I-10/Central Ave. Freeway Tunnel. Project engineer. Construction of a mile long cut and cover tunnel freeway traffic. Duties included construction survey layout calculations for tunnel structure in reverse spiral geometry. Excavation mass balance analysis and tracking, tunnel falsework design assistance, and CPM schedule updates.

Tailing Dam Slope Stability Analysis Mountain - Springs, Nevada
Tailing Dam Slope Stability Analysis Mountain - Springs, Nevada

Greystone Mine. Tailing dam slope stability analysis.

Responsible in charge for the analysis of the slope stability of tailing dam (with Slope/w software) with 115 feet tall and 1300 feet long. The analysis was prepared for dam decommissioning and long term stability. Project also required a geotechnical drilling program including sampling and testing.

Tailing Dam Slope Stability Analysis - Graystone, Nevada
Tailing Dam Slope Stability Analysis - Graystone, Nevada

Mountain Springs Mine. Tailing dam slope stability analysis.

Responsible for the analysis of the slope stability of tailing dam (with Slope/w software). The stability analysis was for restart of operations of the dam. Site consists of industrial mineral mine with pit, dumps, concentration plant and tailing dam. Project also included, surface water studies and agency interactions.